Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...yesterday's news

That is what the dark-eyed junco felt like today when His Royal Redness, the Cardinal showed up to steal the show. However, the junco was quite elated when I told him that he'd made the Spotlight today - in fact, he told a bunch of his friends and they are all hanging out now, hoping to be discovered...

Yes, I lead a rich fantasy life. Stop snickering.

I was hoping for some "cardinal in the snow" shots but it was too late in the day when the snow moved in. Yes, snow. Just what our already storm-ravaged area needs. And winds gusting over 40 MPH which means that the electrical crews will not be able to work on the downed lines. And if we get more than a few inches of snow, there will be more downed lines and trees. And more power outages. Kind of feels like somebody out there is pissed off at our part of the country.

I have charged all my devices and filled a bathtub with water (we have a well, so when we lose power, we also lose water, making it tricky to flush toilets.). And I have about 8 gallons of non-potable water still from last week. Bring it ON, Mother Nature!! No matter what you dish out, I am gonna FLUSH!!!

Kidding aside, I hope that this storm doesn't hit us with full force. I am still without tv and Internet so all my news is coming from my smart phone. From what I can tell, this is shaping up to be a big snow producer in our part of NJ.

Hubs got home yesterday afternoon and I was SO happy to see him! Guess we are both feeling pretty beat up emotionally right now and some ztogether-time is what we both need.

Dinner tonight is roasted apple and butternut squash soup with some red Thai curry seasoning. A good meal for a snowy night.

I know I should say something about yesterday's election, but I kind of feel that it has all been said. I just hope that our elected officials can now put all the campaign rhetoric and vitriol behind them, and focus on running the country.

Be safe, people!


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