Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Cheeky Ar-tist

You're right, I did nearly say something else!

Today I had to find a shot for BobsBlips WidWed, a challenge I find really difficult.  Perhaps that's why I do it.  As today's subject is 'Movement' I decided on double-exposures.

This painter can often be seen painting Winchester 'scenes'.  He is very chatty and thrives on an audience.  However, he did have the gall to say how nice it was that 'ladies seem to have taken much more to photography since it went digital'.  He then - get this - asked if I was a failed artist and told me that's what a lot of photographers are.  So now we all know.

Don't worry, I did give him back sauce!

My two favourite things about this image are 1) that he's painting the scene upside down, and 2) that I've caught him painting his own hand ;-D

Failed artist, indeed!!!

Now I'm off to finalise results of #WFW03 and will add them below shortly.  Enjoy your evening  xx

WFW03 Results
Once again, I found this process really hard, you are so brilliant.  These are my favourites (I'm sure other people will have different ones).  In no particular order:
KathGordon for giving us the joy of seeing a bee orchid
Howu for her vibrant Norwegian rose
dfb24 for her dancing columbines
Mambo for her delicate love-in-a-mist
Diane2104 for so successfully tackling another country's wild life!

Honourable mentions go to:

And my thanks to you all for making this such a fun challenge.  Don't forget the current week's challenge should be tagged #WFW04 and your entries should be in by the end of Saturday.

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