Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

On The First Day Of Blipness...

Two thousand nine hundred twenty blips. This little section of my Christmas tree is Blip #1 redux. I thought I would pay my respects to that extremely pathetic beginning. That first one was not very good, unless you like a lot of empty green space.  The fire engine is still there and the bear with top is now visible but the red clay treble clef insisted on hiding again. The partridge/robin? (and the felt Zippy and angel at the top, not seen) are new additions from some blip buds. Oh, and the candy canes are the same ones I used then.

Blipfoto means more to me than I can put into words. It’s been 8 years now and so much has changed both on the site since I began, and in my life, especially this year.  Living with and taking care of my Mom has been life-altering.  I’ve rarely been able to post my blip on the day I’ve taken my photos and although I can’t claim 2920 “consecutive” blips for these many years, I can  claim “without a gap.”

I still suffer from a lack of confidence so I hang on very view, comment, star, heart. Just knowing you’re there, that I’m not alone, means so much.  I feel blessed to have so the entire community, and a lot of very special friends, in my life.  Thank you for being a friend.

Hey, and only one fall without any fractures, one suspected TIA (which turned out not to be) and two hospital stays this year!  Whoo hoo! May have been my best year yet.

Thanks to Annie, Graham, Ian, Bob and Michele for their dedication and expertise which has made it possible for me to still be here after all these years.

The Odyssey (my first title) continues...

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