An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Couch Potato...

This has been one of Lola's favourite snuggle spots on the sofa since she was a puppy and able to get herself up there.  I think it's because it's where David sits and every time he gets up she sees it as her duty to keep the seat warm for him :-))

A bit of a lacklustre Friday.

I've done a pile of ironing (this is becoming a regular thing!  Don't know what's come over me!!) and some meal planning for next week (must remember to book a Tesco delivery slot) and given more thought to our bedroom redecoration as mentioned on yesterday's blip.  I really do think I am veering towards a freshen up rather than a complete change. 

I received a text this evening from our God Daughter Emily to say she's been offered an unconditional place at Stirling Uni to study Marine Biology. I am over the moon for her as Stirling was her first choice and it means she won't have to relocate.  It's all working out as she planned :-))

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