Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Bird On A Stick VIII

This young thrasher was a riot to watch.  He was very unsure of himself as he flailed  about trying to jump/fly onto the barrel cactus, seed feeder and eventually the dead cholla where he stood and looked around for a good, long while.  It's that time of year when young birds start to entertain us, whether with their parents or without.  This fella didn't disappoint.

This one is for the veggie gardeners out there:

Clear indications that you have too much Zucchini:
*Your neighbor finds them every morning in his mailbox.
*You have a flute made out of a Zucchini.
*Even the field mice stop eating it.
*You till under the Zucchini plants, but still have more today than you had yesterday.
*Nightmares about a giant Zucchini wakes you in the night.
*Your kids are using it for building blocks.
*You spray your zucchini plants with sugar water to attract insects. But, they won't bite.

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