The Pitter Patter of Tiny Hooves

There were three little ones out on Monday morning when I drove by the horse barns, so I stopped for five minutes to say hello. This was the mama-and-baby pair in the primary fenced area in front of the main barn.

One of the things that amuses me to no end is how tiny the hooves are on the little horses. How can they even get around on those itty bitty feet?

Another thing is that they all seem to have a bit of gruff by their noses, not unlike a billy goat. See those little hairs there, that look like whiskers? There might even be a bit of milk clinging to them from the latest snack.

Then there is the way that they suddenly burst into motion, unexpectedly. You might even see a puff of dust beneath their feet as they kick it into high gear, and set those tiny hooves a-dancing!

My soundtrack song (and can you BELIEVE I've never used this on Blip yet, until now?) is Kenny Loggins, with the Footloose theme song. Featuring: DANCING!

P.S. By the way, my best guess is that this little colt is out of Hello Dollin by Red White N Good, born March 26.

Bonus: all of the spring horse blips in one place . . .
Meet Penn State's Newest Filly
Introducing Little Miss Almost Valentine
All the Pretty Little Horses
Let's Hear It for the Boys!

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