Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Campanula persicifolia

This campanula is doing wonderfully well this year. It is in a rose bed and flowering very freely. Years ago I learned that if you deadhead persicifolia, it will reward you with a long flowering period. It's a fiddly job and I don't usually manage to do it.

After a day of searching for the curtain hooks, I managed to hang three curtains. Only four to go. I have checked the long curtain rail in my lounge because one or two of the fittings were a bit loose. Thankfully, I was able to tighten the screws and did not have to start to put new plugs in the walls.

This evening I went for a walk around the village after the sun set. It was cooler, but still very humid. The pollen count must have been very high. The midges just started to bite as I returned.

See my extras for two of the village felines, both new to me.

I had a phone call this morning from a John Lewis manager. She was thrilled to tell me that she had sorted out the TV bracket problem and a new one will be on its way to me soon. The problem was the difference between 200mm x 100mm instead of 100mm x 200mm. (I'm delighted, but not holding my breath yet!)

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