Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Social distancing

"How many times do I have to tell you two to keep at least 2 metres away from humans?!"

Another lovely day for weather so I took the opportunity to walk from home to Fallowfield Fell via Wall Village.

I was completely isolated for most of the walk. Once in Wall, I climbed the long stretch of stone steps up to the old Settlement and then further up, through a lovely wood, onto the fell top.

It was only there that I had the company of the sheep.  The lambs are bigger and  more confident now. I'm looking towards Hexhamshire in this photograph.

I came back via Hadrian's Wall Trail. 

Otherwise, I've cleaned Mum's bedroom and changed the bed. A load of washing was completed and not much else!

Life in the time of Covid 19
I think I want to know more about how this virus behaves. We have had nothing in the way of updates on this, although I read a rather alarming piece in the Washington Times.

Tonight there were fewer people out to clap and bang in appreciation of those who are caring for us in these difficult times.

Alistair phoned to see if I need shopping because they are picking up an order on Saturday. Six residents have died in the sheltered housing where his aunt lives, so he can only take supplies but not visit any more.

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