Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Flag Day - a Rendition

Today is Flag Day in the United States. On this day in 1777, the first “Stars and Stripes” was adopted. I’m not very proud of my country, especially over the last couple of years. I’m not proud of some of my friends, like the one who told me yesterday that if a black man is running away from the police it’s proof that he’s guilty “of something” so it’s okay to shoot him. He added that young black men are asking for trouble when they’re hanging out wearing things that are gang related. “Like those things on their heads,” he said, when I asked what he was talking about. And then the predictable comeback, “But I’m not racist!”

A lot more than policing and the law enforcement mindset has to change. Sadly, most of my generation will have to die off to (hopefully) be replaced by those a little more woke. But we’ve been here before. When I was a kid, it was hoped that my generation would carry the Civil Rights mantle begun in the 60’s. It didn’t work. There are still too many “Steves” around (not to be confused with Madera Steve). Too many people who “aren’t racist” will still call the police on a bird watcher in the park because of his color.

Someday, I hope that I can be proud enough of my country to include its flag next to my blipfoto name again. Hopefully, that day will be 20 January 2021.

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