Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A visit to Gowk Bank

I was glad to have time today to return to Gowk Bank to see how the orchids and other wildflowers are progressing. The sheep were supposed to be removed immediately after I contacted Natural England.

I'm glad to say that there are carpets of orchids, albeit growing very close to the ground! I found common spotted, Northern Marsh (I think), tway blade and fragrant orchids. I had to kneel down to check.

The ragged robin and the eyebright are doing well.

I could not find any frog orchids despite looking where I know they grow.

Then I found a sheep. Arghh! I will have to contact Natural England again tomorrow. I don't suppose one sheep can do much harm, but it should not be there!

It had been muggy and hazy all day. There was sunshine as I drove west but I felt as though I had been in a sauna after I wandered around the site.

We were nearly at the end of episode 6 of The A Word tonight (no spoilers please) when we had to stop so that I could watch a live broadcast from Light and Land. Paul Sanders showed mono photos from New York. Brilliant work. I'm looking forward to going no a workshop with him next March, but that is to Scotland not to the Big Apple.

I hear that Oscar has finally come home at 1030 tonight. We like them in and settled by mid-evening.

My blip is marsh lousewort, Pedicularis palustris, and not to be confused with common lousewort, which also grows at Gowk Bank.

In case you have forgotten, gowk is a name for the cuckoo and I was serenaded by one this afternoon.

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