Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


In Memory of our blip friend, Admirer.

Meet Harry the hedgehog.  Harry was one of those impulse purchases stores hope you make by putting them in the checkout queue.  Mom was with me and couldn't understand why I would want this fella.  She didn't like him at all. I wondered for a long time why Harry didn't have a glass or shiny plastic eye like most plush toys.  When I finally read the tag. I came to learn that Harry was meant to be a doggie toy, which explained why there were no removable pieces. I felt pretty silly and my mother, despite her Alzheimer's, never missed an opportunity to point out my silliness.

Many thanks to 60plus for encouraging us to post a silly Saturday post to honor Admirer. 

Perhaps it would be a good idea to put the challenge on hold through July and possibly pick up with rotating hosts.  Those are just my personal thoughts for your consbliperation. (Too silly?)

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