A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Our second crop of potatoes unearthed. Bigger than the last ones as it is a month since we pulled those before our holiday. 
These are Desiree with red skins as you can see. Hope they will be tasty with our tea.
The other incidental crop today are the broken Gladioli stems from the garden after the windy weather which I’ve brought inside.

Went to church today for the first time (we’ve been doing zoom services) as we missed the August services. It was nice but strange.
Masks worn, music but no singing. Communion wafers were distributed to your seat but no wine. A nod or a wave for the Peace and socially distanced seating.
At the end, Richard our Rector suggested we hummed a hymn.
‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God’. It was a nice touch. 
Glad we went and saw a few people in the flesh who we’ve probably not seen since early March. Hopefully will go next week too. The Benefice services (4 churches) continue monthly on Zoom but as Richard said it was good for us all to be in time with each other!

Have a good week everyone.

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