Capital adventures

By marchmont


Despite being tired last night I woke up about 2 and couldn't get back to sleep.  R3 didn't do it and I ended up listening to the latest episodes of 'Newscast'.  I reckon I dropped off about half six and woke up at half 8 to the news that the Astra Zeneca vaccine will be rolled out from Monday.  In my downtime I'm trying to work out how long it will take to vaccinate 65m people (slightly less if you discount children).  It's easy to compute at 2m a week, until you factor in the second jab. that's when my brain fries.

But once I did get up at 9 and looked out it was a beautiful morning.  I tidied the top of my chest of drawers, jewellery and general 'stuff' but it looks much better now. 

With no word from Parcelforce about the seafood delivery I arranged to meet H for our walk at 11.  it took ages to deice the car so I ended up parking in Marchmont. We had a great walk, accompanied by the wayward terrier.  Across the Meadows then over to St Leonard's, through the Innocent Tunnel (less pretty than Colinton) and back via Newington and the Meadows.  Well over my 10k! Dropped in past the Manor to pick up the keys I'd left and say 'hi'.  And of course there was a message to say Parcelforce had made the delivery signed for by, me!!

Spent the afternoon storing the oysters and the langoustines and doing a wee bit of this and that including tidying the sewing box.  Well, there was no reason not to.  Given my broken night I was really tired. 

E dropped by (in the snow) with packages for Saturday and then it was time to eat and slump (again) in front of the tv.  

It was a lovely walk though.  I really enjoyed getting out, seeing people and being with another human being. 

F2F - 4
Phone calls - 0
Virtual - 0

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