An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

I remember this...

I woke up this morning with the urge to use my camera, and feel a paintbrush in my hand.  Being the multitasker that I am who's that laughing at the back?! I combined the two and got my blip.  Very efficient!  

Sadly having boring other stuff to do, I only had time for a little painting sketch but I have a commission to be getting on with so that will give me a legitimate excuse to spend time being arty tomorrow :D. 

Alan was back at the hygienist this morning, this time having taken a dose of diazepam to relax him!  The instructions were to give it to him an hour and a half before leaving for his appointment. He left the house at 11am looking very chilled indeed!  

It made a difference and she was able to scale his upper teeth but he will have to go back to have his bottom teeth done.  The hygienist is so lovely and very patient with Alan.  He particularly enjoyed her stroking his cheek every time she stopped to give him a rest!  lol. He's been rather chilled all day, even though it must have worn off by now.

The health centre phoned David this afternoon to organise his and Alan's vaccinations for Saturday morning.  He mentioned that I'm due to have mine on Tuesday so she's put us all in as a job lot on Saturday. :-))  Thankfully we just have to go to the health centre rather than one of the hubs.

Lemon and lime roasted sea bass for dinner this evening, made by D, so my feet are up and I am finally getting to upload my this and my previous two day's blips.  

I have fallen behind as part of my routine of getting up earlier means going to bed earlier.   I've been aiming for 11pm.  This causes a bit of a blip problem as I am usually uploading my blip at the coo's tail.  From now on though I am hoping to have it done and dusted before dinner, then hopefully I will have time for commenting afterwards.  That's the plan anyway.  Wish me luck!  :-)))

Should you wish to catch up, Tuesday's blip is HERE.  and Wednesday's blip is HERE.

And now dinner.........

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