Peace Cranes

I had some work to finish off, so was at my laptop very early this morning, before I headed into Edinburgh.  The reason for my trip to the city was a dental appointment.  My first since early 2020.  As someone who has gone to the dentist every six months for all of my life, it has been odd not to go for so long.   In fact my dentist has retired (must have been very early retirement) so I saw a new dentist. She was very nice, and so much easier to speak to compared to the last one, who was a man of very few words.  She examined my mouth, took x-rays and cleaned things up and apart form telling me not to brush so hard, I got a clean bill of health.  Hurrah!
My next stop was the Peace Cranes exhibition in St John’s church at the West End, followed by a wander around the West End Craft Fair. I then walked up to the book festival and had a look in the bookshop, before walking down and through the Grassmarket and back to the city centre.   I felt it was getting busy, so made a few purchases in M&S and headed to get my bus home.
From a very dull start to the day,  it turned into a beautiful sunny day.  I got home to find some maps on the kitchen table – BB’s DofE expedition training.  I then sat in the garden with my lunch and my book, after putting a load of washing on.  Once it was hung out, I popped out for a walk and discovered that al the fields nearby have now been , or are currently in the process of being, combined.  The farmers are making the most of the lovely weather.
Later TT Zoomed,   BB gamed and I looked for something to watch on TV.  I started watching the Go Between, but it was a little too slow for me, so I gave up on it.  Now that I have caught up with my current blips, I have made a start (again) at back blipping our holiday up north.  There’s quite a bit to go though!
The Peace Cranes exhibition is just lovely, and in such a beautiful setting.

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