On the South Shore

A far better day
emerged than was forecast for 
us - what a nice day!

As usual, I was up early  waiting for the sun. At 8 AM I took a photo from my deck which seemed to confirm the poor weather day ahead. I took my cue and went back to bed! When I awoke mid morning the world looked very different. It was time to get out there with my camera! 

I drove over the bridge to the south shore and made a right turn to Mission Flats. It was dry, a bit windy and 6 C. I pulled my toque down over my ears when I got out of the truck. 

The dog walkers were the main players today. They were everywhere. We have such broad expanses of riverbed exposed now with the low water level. The sandbars and beaches are a dog's playground these days. It is a place to run off-leash and no one is required to clean up after their dog in these areas. (My sympathies to those downstream who take their water from the river.)

At times, the wind wanted to take my door away when I opened it. I made fast work of my photos, then headed to the quilt store for some fabric therapy. 

I was home for a late lunch and will remain to play with my new fabric. 

We are still promised a cloudy day with a chance of showers and a high of 8 C. However, the threat of snow flurries has been removed from the forecast. What a relief!

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