Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Next week I shall be….

I was at a covert rehearsal this evening with a few friends. We were taken through our parts by LM but sworn to secrecy. I am not allowed to tell you anything about next week's playlet.

You can guess, but my lips are sealed!!

Mum had another nose bleed this morning. They come much too often.

This afternoon I attended an excellent zoom meeting called Documentary Photography Reconsidered: In(Out) sider:Gaze and Representation. The speakers were Shahidul Alam, Lauren Forster and Anthony Luvera.

Any one of them could have given their presentation followed by in depth discussion. Questions were kept for the end, but I had to leave because they overran. I was disappointed but I was impressed by the work of each one.

Anthony Luvera has been involved in community projects for years and showed us how he helps people to make self portraits.

Lauren Forster documented her mother and family as her mother's health deteriorated to an expected death. These were intensely personal images. She has gone on now to photograph her widowed father. We were all moved beyond words by the way she discussed her work and by the images.

Shahidul Alam had been delayed in his journey from Kathmandu to his home in Pakistan so had to talk from a (noisy) hotel room with limited internet! He uses photography as an integral part of civil action.

Gobsmacked? I was. During the night I was awake and read about Shannon Fulcher. Kendallishere posted this on her Twitter feed.

My brain is buzzing.

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