Had an appointment with the physio at 11am .  It was at the Health Centre in the village.  I set 3 alarms but I must have switched them all off and gone back to sleep as when I suddenly woke up I realised it was 10.30am.  I dithered for a few seconds wondering whether to phone and cancel the appointment but then I decided I could make it if " got a ripple on ".  So as quick as I could I had a " wash and brush up," got dressed, fed the cats.... and dashed out the back door and hurried through the allotments .  I reached the Health Centre with one minute to spare.  Good job I wasn't getting my blood pressure checked today!.

Had a good chat with the physio ablout my painful neck.  It hasn't been so bad recently - and the headaches aren't as frequent.  She did some pressing and manipulating and I have to keep doing the exercises and go back to see her next week.

Before going back home I collected my repeat prescription and did some shopping.

Had my breakfast when I got home and replenished the bird feeders.  Watched TV for a bit ... and then it was time to head down to the village again to get the bus to Neils.   Today and yesterday Neil has been at home in the mornings so I have only been needed for an hour or two in the afternoon. ( Not needed tomorrow or Friday ... or over the weekend.)

Bus travel was fine and Luna was very excited to see me.  So excited that she tipped over the water bowl in her cage and soaked all her blankets.  Silly Luna.  I sorted that out and then it was playtime.  We had fun paying with her toys.  I made sure she had a good run around before it was time for her to go back in the cage.  I was with her for 2 hours so she was ready for a rest when I left.

Bus travel back was Ok and I had another walk home from the village.

I chose to blip these steps for Wide Wednesday ( theme is Low Angle ).  Yesterday and today I seem to have been constantly climbing these steps on my way home.  Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.

Steps today - 12,028

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