Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


I've been waiting - not for the Sue Gray report, which seems to be delayed even further now the police are involved - but for the first snowdrops in our garden!

Suddenly, today there were snowdrops peeping through everywhere and a big clump of aconites in glorious yellow.

These Spring flowers always bring hope of better days ahead.

Today, Mum had her long awaited appointment with a new ENT consultant. He arrived about 20 minutes late and there was then a further delay because he did not have a connection to charge his smartphone. Hmm

In the event, he was charming and very calm and patient. He found the offending place and said it will probably need electrical cautery at the Freeman Hospital. The wait for that is 3 months, so he cauterised the basic way today. 

It's not nice after cautery, because you have a burn inside your nose, a very sensitive organ. It's progress.

I went to see Leopoldstadt tonight and Margret (next door) came over to keep Mum company for an hour. I found the play hard to follow in places as the cast took us through 56 years in a large family. It was very moving and the audience was almost silent as we filed out.

The majority of people wore masks. Just as I expected.

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