To McArthur Island

Another chilly
morning but the sun is to
shine for us today

~ carliewired

At 5 to 7 I was out on my deck just before sunrise. It was -6 C but the sky was looking promising. I noticed a sundog in the sky north of my mountains. I headed off to McArthur Island for a quick look around. 

I parked near the foot bridge to see how the ducks were doing. The slough has lost the bit of open water it had since we've had colder nights again. The ducks were gathering at the south end of the foot bridge where feed has been left on the ground for them. The little flock was busy vacuuming up the last of it when I arrived. 

I moved the truck over closer to the playing fields. I spied two does curled up on the ridge beside the fence. They were chewing away and hardly moved a muscle. I moved on to the south edge.

The river had some ring necked gulls poised on the largest sandbar. They were in odd contortions for grooming. I caught the university's conference centre in reflection. I was surprised to note that the beavers have vanquished a rather large cottonwood tree. Its top was in the river where the beavers can select the choicest bits for their purposes. Canada geese were filling up all the playing fields. One stalwart guard stands watch while the flock scours the fields. 

I stopped for some groceries then made for home. My kids are here today. I may need to shop for some more building materials. The new flooring looks good but I'm happy to have that over with. 

The forecast is for a day of mixed sun and cloud with a high of 3 C. 

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