A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Or no jacket required!
It really has been Spring today. We’ve had lots of sun but always with a cold or cool wind. Today we have had sun with warmth. I really didn’t need my jacket on our walk.

Chris and I did a lovely walk around Micklethwaite taking in the canal ( Leeds Liverpool). We did a bit of it the other way around last autumn but today followed the prescribed route by crossing the canal at the Three Rise locks and heading through the lovely old houses on the other side up to the familiar paths around Gawthorpe Hall and Oakwood Park up to Lady Lane.

We then followed the road that leads down to Micklethwaite Bridge where I saw this lovely display of daffodils. I could have called this walk the daffodil walk today they were everywhere, in the woods, fields,  gardens and alongside the canal.
Immediately before this corner  house our path took us across the fields above the hamlet of Micklethwaite eventually coming out in it’s centre where there were a couple of very bright and pretty blossom trees in flower. 
From there we followed the route of Morton Beck back to the canal.

The rest of the walk followed the canal and we had a nice coffee stop at the 5 Rise cafe just above the Five Rise Locks, recently seen on TV, where we were able to admire the new lock gates now in operation.

I tried out my new lightweight summer walking boots and didn’t get any blisters so they are now good to go.

Back home I got the bathroom mats washed and out and even did a bit of garden tidying - lots more to do - amazing what a bit of warmth does.

We’re told the good weather may last till the end of the month!
Whatever the weather hope you enjoy your weekend blippers.

More from today's walk on flickr

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