From one to many

When I blipped a single blossom flower exactly ten days ago, I was pretty confident that a lot more was coming. But of course you never know… I should not have worried. I came back from Madrid on Friday to an abundance of blossom. Of course it won’t last very long, so it is important to blip it again.

As ever a busy Monday, with a variety of online meetings, although there were a couple of cancellations which gave me enough space to pop out for a quick walk at the end of the afternoon. I also managed a peloton workout.

To be honest, I’m still feeling very tired, although not in a bad way. Just rather weary, which I can cope with.

My last very busy Tuesday tomorrow. Next Tuesday, I only have half the number of teaching hours. And thinking about that has just reminded me of something I have forgotten to do. I must log on to my laptop again…

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