Marmots Before Breakfast

A wee jaunt into 
the park can really boost my 
spirit for the day! 

~ carliewired

I was off to McArthur Park at 8:30. The temperature was 6 C. It was not the most auspicious morning. I'd drained my coffee pot and had looked out to my wet deck and dismal sky. I forged on as something is always better than nothing.

Once I park and get out to walk I can always find something for my lens that interests me. I parked by the foot bridge and had a look at the slough. There's lots of bird activity now that the ice is gone. The mallards have taken over the space under the bridge and the Canada geese have the rest. The slough needs some fresh water. It's only wet in one portion. Most of the slough is dry/muddy. When spring runoff begins and the river rises, the problem will be solved. I left my quilted heart by the bridge and drove on to the southside. 

I looked down to the river to see a mass of ring billed gulls. I like the polka dots on their black tailfeathers. 

I caught some Canada geese curled up under the pines along the Rivers Trail. 

I found the little band of marmots rooting around by the river bank. They have their burrows there. I counted only five. They were eating the grass that was greening by the Rivers Trail. When something spooked them, they would scurry back down the bank for cover until the danger passed.  

I picked up my breakfast and headed home. I'm in for the day. 

The forecast was spot on with showers in the early morning. We might expect clearing by noon for a mostly sunny day with a high of 18 C. Spring comes on fast here. One day in boots, the next day in sandals! 

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