Views on the Island

A morning of some
contrasts and confusion, but
the sun did appear

~ carliewired

The forecast was for a rather grim day with rain to begin at 7 AM. I slowly emptied my coffee pot and waited to see what would happen. At 7, with no rain, I was out on my deck taking a photo of the clouds clearing off behind my mountains. It was a calm 10 C. It looked much more promising than the forecast. So, I was off to McArthur Island by 8 with a quick stop for breakfast. 

I parked on the north side to have a look into the slough while finishing my orange juice. I was pleasantly surprised to see some newcomers. There were many Ring-Necked Ducks with their piercing yellow eyes. The males look just black and white, but their heads shine purple in bright light. I got a good shot of an American Wigeon with its grey head and green eye patch. There were a few in the slough, but many on the river in their own little flock. Green shoots are appearing all over the Butterfly Garden as the perennials are showing up. Spring!  I left my quilted heart in that area. (I took a photo of all my 5 hearts to be released this week.)

I moved over to the south side of the island where I found a pair of Canada geese perched on a dead cottonwood tree overlooking the river. When you think of "silly as a goose" you can think of this pair. 

I moved to the east corner of the park and got out to walk the Rivers Trail in search of marmots. There were several gamboling along the path. They were all out in search of greens. A strong wind suddenly came up to stir up the trees and pick sand up in open places. It took my breath away when I faced it and it blew sharp particles into my face. I beat a retreat back to my truck and headed home. 

I'm in for the day. My daughter is not yet recovered so I will just putter today. 

The weatherman indicates we'll have a mix of sun and cloud with a chance of showers and gusting winds. The high today could be 12 C. 

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