Fête de Muguet

I finally finished 'Unveluevable' at 1.30 am. Highly recommended and very much led by women, as befits the story.

Did some tidying and tried to decide if Y and I should sit outside. We didn't, big black clouds deterred. There was also some correspondence with #2 son and his travel plans.

After Y left and I'd finished lunch I went to M&S to get food for tomorrow, #3 son and #1 gf are coming for dinner.

Came home via the garden centre to pick up the free alpines and then once home hauled out some overgrown alpines to make room for the two new ones.

Chilly evening. Off to read the meters.

It's premier mai and in France lilies of the valley are given. I gave one to Y, unfortunately not in flower. 

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