Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


It is back to the green woodlands of Surrey again, and the trees are looking very green with all the fresh and bright new leaves on them. Warm today, but a bit breezy, although I think this week it will be much warmer and feel like summer again.

I spent the day researching filters as I am considering changing my filter system to the Kase system. They are excellent quality filters, light but durable, no colour cast at all, scratch resistant and they have a clever magnetic system whereby the filters just snap on the the front of the lens so very easy to put on using one hand and no cross threading that you get with the slot type of filters. Perfect in every way and I believe the best, the only problem is the price, yikes they are expensive, if I do decide to get them I will have to slowly acquire what I need.

Tonight it is the AGM of the camera club, and although I officially take over as club secretary in the new year (September) the current secretary is away so asked if I could take the minutes. I hope it goes okay, the chairman phoned this morning to check that I was okay with doing that task, it can't be that difficult can it? It's a zoom meeting so I will use my phone to record what is said as a backup (we don't record zoom meetings) Following the AGM it is our last competition of the year, and this is a themed competition of Food. I entered this image, but I am sure there will be many wonderful images tonight so its all a bit of fun and the external judge will have her hands full trying to select the best entries.

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