Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Frothy cow parsley

Today I did the recce for my upcoming walk on Wednesday. It was a route I recently devised, but I had not had time to try out.

It was sunny at first, but soon much colder and I had to wear my coat. I wished I had a woolly hat as well as my sun hat!

The route is a circular one from Gunnerton Village. I'm thrilled with it. We will see a variety of farming practices, both arable and livestock. The route is little walked and the cows and sheep were a bit wary when I came by.

There are fields of buttercups and verges of cow parsley. One field is a proper hay meadow with a wide variety of plants and yellow rattle.

I had one or two short diversions while I familiarised myself with the route (we call it temporarily misplaced!).

Back home I had a lovely nap and then made savoury carrot layer (Cranks recipe) which always delights.

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