Capital adventures

By marchmont

From the Bridge

Finally the last estimator for the work I'm thinking of doing came so that is that box ticked.  All I have to wait for now is the quote!  And there were also a couple of calls: one about a possible new role and one about tomorrow's meeting.

I did some prep for this afternoon's meeting and decided to go down early.  No point in starting to do a new task.

It was my last time as Chair of the College Board.  It felt quite stressed being back in person but with some folk on Teams including my Clerk, who has Covid. However, I got through it ok and then we repaired to the balcony of EH15 for a celebratory drink, College canapes and farewells and thanks to members who were leaving..  It was a pleasant evening and we watched the cruise ship leave the Forth as we chatted.  

J & D were at home when I  got back, drained and with a large bouquet of flowers.  Eventually we had some food (there was a lot of food today, M&S buffet and then the canapes, then M&S sharing food).

We watched some tv but I had to bale.  I was so tired after a really bad night with my shoulder last night.  

Good news that the Rwanda flight was stopped.

Edit: the bridge is the top floor of Milton Rd campus, the former Leith Nautical College.

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