Rose Hill Road - South to North

My energy is
very low - a drive through the 
grasslands picks me up

~ carliewired

I was up and out the door at 6. It is a hazy day with wildfire smoke from our region showing up in our valleys. I closed up the house, reset the A/C and left for Rose Hill Road. 

It is a rather quiet start for a long weekend. There was very little traffic moving at 6 and the air was calm and cool. I made the left turn off the Merritt Highway onto Rose Hill Road. Immediately, I felt myself relax. 

As I rounded the curve on the first portion of open range, I found a jeep parked just off the road. The owner was packing up a tent and other belongings. That was a surprise to me to find someone camping on ranch lands. 

I drove on further on the gravel road to discover a man running along the road. He was attracting the attention of a small herd of Aberdeen Angus. They stood gobsmacked at this curious human activity. To be honest, I was a bit surprised to see him myself! 

I passed views into the ranchlands where herds were wandering everywhere. At the crest of the road I found a lovely doe browsing in a field. She didn't pay much attention to me at all. 

On the way down the south side, I found hay bales ready for collection. I noted the wildflowers are drying out fast. I got a view down to the Thompson River and the downtown. I got my mountains in profile while looking north across the valley. I stopped to get a shot of the Pow Wow Grounds that are hosting a pow wow this weekend. I'd love to attend but it will be underway during the hottest part of an unbearably hot day. The grounds are filled with campers, tents and teepees this weekend. 

I was home by 8 with my coffee and breakfast in hand. Here I will stay with my A/C and my daughter's company. 

We have a sunny day with a high of 38 C. 

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