Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Grappling with the issues of the day

Here is the Other Marjorie. She came for a very welcome visit this afternoon.

We spent time with Mum and talked about the production of A Doll's House we saw on Wednesday evening. Marjorie had heard a BBC Radio 3 programme in the Free Thinking series all about Ibsen's plays. It sounded fascinating and I will certainly listen to it. It threw some light onto A Doll's House.

Later we moved to the kitchen and left Mum to rest. There we grappled with the current political situation. Marjorie is one of the deepest thinkers I know, so conversations with her are always rewarding. 

I had hoped to catch her hands in full flow, but the camera may have inhibited that! We talked about Liz Truss and tried to understand the decisions she is making. Does it matter that her interviews are like car crashes, because she does not answer quickly or coherently? It that more honest than some other politicians we can mention?


This morning, Ann came to visit. She and Al had been to Norfolk on a coach tour. Sounded a bit like a curate's egg to me, but they made the best of it and loved seeing Sandringham.

I've off loaded more apples, but the weather has been too poor for me to go picking.

Mum remains much the same today.

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