To Paul Lake

A morning with a
clear sky and the promise of
a sunny, warm day


I was up sitting in the dark and drinking my big mug of coffee before 5 AM. I watched the light start to come up over the city and my mountains. At 7 I took my leave, heading up the hill to Paul Lake. 

I drove into the Paul Lake community on the west end of the lake first. The top row of photos were taken there. I looked towards the housing along its west edge. The collection of boats always interests me. The sun wasn't yet up over the lake and I could see the mist gathered at the far end. I walked a short distance on the trail so I could see some of the rose hips by the shore. 

I drove back down to the junction so I could drive to the provincial park. On the way, I stopped beside Louis Lake, much smaller than Paul Lake. The middle row of photos are those I gathered there. The mist was coming up off the lake. The sun was coming in lighting up the golden birch. Ducks floated in and out of the mist. 

I drove on to the provincial park on the north side of Paul Lake. The bottom row of photos were from there. I was fully expecting to find the park closed for the season, but the sign was still up and the gate was wide open. I drove down to the parking lot beside the lake to discover I had the place all to myself this morning, except for the Canada geese. The lake was misty and fall colours surrounded it. I had a lovely morning for photos. 

I drove back down into the city to run a few errands before returning home. I'm in for the day with some jobs that need doing. 

We have a beautiful sunny day with a high of 20 C. 

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