A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Last of the afternoon sun.

Another glorious day but with a very cool wind out of the sun.

These are some of the cyclamen I bought earlier in the week catching the last of the days sun in the conservatory. It is fair to say that some are looking better than others which is always a bit of a problem when you buy a punnet.
There is a purple one that I have put on the kitchen window ledge, and the red one, bottom right, that could look better. The pale pink one, left, has lots of buds which is promising.  I’ll give them a few weeks and see how they do, but today, in the sun alongside my orchids, the colours were looking very nice.

Got some jobs done this morning and then I went to the Tittle Tattle tea shop for a cuppa and a chat. At the conclusion we often have a short reflection, but today we had a discussion about commitment.  Interesting and thought provoking.

Happy weekend everyone and enjoy plot ( bonfire) night if you’re in the UK

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