-17 C/ 1 F

A bitter wind and
deepening cold kept me in
my car for photos


There was some more snow overnight and the temperatures are dropping. I took my time with my coffee and breakfast. My daughter and I were out clearing the driveway in double-quick time just before lunch. The wind had already wiped half of the snow away. 

I drove off to Tranquille to catch what I could without walking any distance. That wind is mighty cold. I parked where I could see across the frozen wetlands pond to the farm. The valleys are in cloud and all is looking grey and grim. The cattle appeared to have been fed and were making their way back across the fields. I got my few photos and headed off to collect some groceries before going home. 

I'm happily in for the day. It's ugly out there! 

The forecast is for a cloudy day with a high of -15 C. With the wind chill factor the temperature is more like -22 C.

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