56 F / 13 C

It's a grey start to
another gloomy day in
my exciting life!


My new car had a 9 AM appointment for all the protection services to be added. (rust, etc.) My daughter followed me up to collect me. I was told the work would be 4 to 5 hours so I wasn't willing to wait there. 

We headed just down the hill to a restaurant for breakfast. It gave us a welcome break before we were off to run a few errands before returning home. 

I was wanting an appointment with Urgent Care so I sat in the car with my cell phone. Their phone line does not open until 10 AM so I began at 10:07. I made seven attempts before I was able to get in the que. I held on hold for almost 25 minutes until I was directed that all appointments had been filled for the day. (10 AM to 9 PM) I was able to leave my name and number for a possible call back if there was a cancellation sometime today. Other than that, I start again tomorrow. 

At lease 30,000 people in my city are without a family doctor like I am. My doctor died 2 years ago to the day. I find all this appalling. We're left like some third world country. I will be on to my member of the legislature today. Hear me roar!

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