Edinburgh Castle

Another day in the office for me, and the last day of my working week.  It was a lovely sunny day and I was wishing I wasn’t at work, but I can’t really complain about my short week.  May has been a good month for short weeks – with lots of bank holidays.  Lots of colleagues have taken time off and been away on holiday – we weren’t that organised.
It was another busy day.  A few colleagues were in.  I had my end year review this afternoon.  It had to be abandoned half way through due to something very urgent coming in from left field into my boss’s in box – not mine thank goodness.  I was delighted my review was abandoned ,  as I hate the focus being just on me.  I’m sure it will be rearranged for next week.  The issue wasn’t anything that I am responsible for, so although I offered to help, I knew it would land with others.
I had a good catch up with one of my team before she headed off this evening.  It’s so much nicer catching up face to face.
I worked late to clear my in box to make sure I hadn’t missed anything that needs to be picked up over the next few days when I am off, and eventually put my out of office on and left to find a bus home.   I got home to find the BB had been in to school for a cello lesson, though I think more just to catch up with his cello teacher as it was her last day before going off on maternity leave.  He will have a new teacher from August and in the meantime will have an interim teacher who was the professional cellist he met when he played  for the opera in the Easter holidays.  BB is disappointed he is not going to be his teacher next year too.
I did manage to pop out at lunchtime today, as I needed to pick up a couple of things.  I failed on one of them and also failed to get a blip.  It was still a lovely evening when I was waiting on my bus home, so grabbed this blip of Edinburgh Castle against a beautiful blue sky.  Blue skies have been in short supply recently.

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