Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

She's not impressed with me

This is Phoebe, letting me know how little she cares that I went waaaayyyyy outside of my comfort zone and put some of my photos up for sale online today. Nope, she's not impressed at all. As for me...I feel very much like I've just walked into the street without any clothes on - if that makes sense? It's one thing sharing my images with all of you guys and my friends, but another thing to actually offer to sell (gasp!) those same images. Not a sudden decision, by the way - just decided that today was the day I was going to pull the trigger on the website.

In other news...

Thanks to Naturelover for sending me some good turkey juju - after she blipped two yesterday, I had seven come strolling out of the woods this morning! Haven't seen any turkeys since spring time, so this was a nice and unexpected surprise.

Another yellow-bellied sapsucker showed up when I went outside today - sucker landed about 4 feet from my head, let out a horrified MEOW and flew off. They have a very distinctive cat-like call - you can't miss it. After I wet myself collected my camera, he came back and I was able to get this and several other shots.

No more bluebird sightings today ...bummer.

The titmice got an early start on Happy Hour - acting like a bunch of party birds, flinging drinks, carrying on ...

But I digress... the most important news of the day...

It's Friday!

Have a great weekend.

Over and out,

PS: And for fun, have a look at one of Blip's most famous felines who apparently started a yawning trend today.

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