Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Reluctant hero

As you can see, my charm as a photographer did not work today. We had a Christmas market in our village hall and here is Dick who leads the community group who run the village shop. He bakes wonderful bread. He was a tad embarrassed about being photographed.

David Cameron has just awarded our shop one of his Big Society awards. Dick will say that it's not down to him, but to the team of people who all volunteer to keep the shop staffed every week. We all know that if it was not for him, the project would not have got off the ground.

This morning Mum and I went into Hexham for the Abbey Christmas Fair, but she had misread the advert and we were on the wrong weekend...... We did have a good time looking around the Farmers' Market and then a little craft fair in the Moot Hall. We had coffee in Bunter's - highly recommended little gem behind the Moot Hall - and stayed on when our friends Jen and Den arrived.

Jet lag still in operation but Delhi Belly seems to have gone away. Soon back to normal I hope.

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