Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The Fourstones' Hunt has a new rider!

I was in Fourstones today and spied several entries for the village scarecrow competition. This one was my favourite. Someone in the village has a good sense of humour. I had to take this side on to show you the wonderful tale as well as the excellent outfit.

Then to Lesley and Steve's with a card for tomorrow's Ruby Wedding. The family party was starting with 3 of their 4 offspring plus other halves and 2 children each. (The fourth is in Nicaragua surfing!) One of S's brothers and his wife were there too. I nearly blipped them. I ended up being the official photographer for the family portrait. I took lots and hope the Lesley can combine a few to produce a print where the majority look in the same direction. Hannah (I think it was) pulled her sun hat right over her face and refused to lift it. What fun.

Back home I've been gardening and beginning to think about going to Romania next week. Exciting, but lots to do.

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