Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

There is always one!

In fact, amongst our Wednesday walkers there is often more than one.........

We had a glorious day out today, completing a 10 mile walk from Lanercost Priory. The scenery was so beautiful and it remained sunny and dry all day. I decided to capture a few pictures of walkers that might be used in next year's calendar, but no sooner had I lifted the camera up than Al jumped into the frame. He even offered to do this again if he was not in focus first time around!!

Mum came back from Higham Hall with some interesting results from her painting course.

Then we entertained Fran and his parents for an hour so that Mum could meet them. His mother is much more relaxed than when I met them on Sunday. It was her first day ever abroad. She is beginning to pick up English phrases already.

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