The concourse at Excel, London Docks

The annual visit to BETT. Last year's comments still apply. May have done some business with people I met on various strands. I'll follow them up next week when this jamboree is over for another year.

The journey was more interesting than the show. Drove up to Abbey Wood in South East London to park, catch the train to Woolwich Arsenal then the DLR to West Silvertown and a short walk across the docks to Excel.

I used to work around Abbey Wood and it is amazing what has happened since my last visit there a couple of years ago. A brand new Sainsbury's superstore has sprung up and the area around the station is a hive of activity with the Crossrail project. The carpark I was expecting to use has gone and residents parking was in place so I had to park further away than I was used to but it was not too far. The dank dull day prevented any meaningful outside photography.

Over at Excel the docks are on the flight path of London City Airport. The fog was so low that where usually you can see the planes coming in over the city and then over your head as they make their final approach today they passed over in the fog only appearing in the last few seconds before landing.

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