Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

BIrthday roses

Nearly three weeks ago, Sara brought this bunch of roses as a birthday present for Mum. They were bright orange and they have been a daily delight as they opened beautifully. After a couple of weeks, they started to fade and they now are a dusky pink.

I bound them into a tight bouquet to photograph them and I've converted to mono and sepia. I hope you like the effect.

It has rained here all day and has been dark and miserable, but not cold.

I've been sorting out a few festival things and made soup for lunch.

This afternoon I took Mum to the Hearing Aid Clinic. The lovely technician renewed the tubes. She has booked Mum in for a hearing test because it looks as though she needs stronger aids. We have an excellent service locally, although it was quite a challenge to maneuver the wheelchair into Corbridge Health Centre past all the parked cars.

We have caught up with the quizzes tonight. 

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