A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Singing in the garden!

Just back from friend and choirmaster S’s garden in our village where two of us sang and recorded a hymn for our Zoom service later in the month. We were divided by a substantial shower curtain so we could be sing and be filmed together.
Other pairs will do the same later and S will put it all together with his fiddle playing.
The hymn, which we normally sing during communion, was the lovely ‘Calm me lord as you calm the storm’.
I hope it comes out well and we get to do more singing in the future.

It was lovely to see some people from choir and also have a tour of this amazing garden. A mass of plants and flowers.
I asked if I could take pictures, so here is my Flower Friday blip.

Off to meet my friend soon and wander around the Prince of Wales Park in Bingley and have a cuppa and a good Friday catch up chat. 
Have a good weekend blippers.

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