Pilrig Park

Walked to Pilrig Park today. We've never been to Pilrig Park before but it's my favourite park of our A-Z of Edinburgh parks project so far. Do you want to know why?..................................

…........As soon as I got let off my lead I spotted a squirrel that needed chasing. There are a lot of squirrels in Pilrig Park. I must have chased at least six. If you look closely at the tree in this Blip you can see the squirrel that I chased. I love chasing squirrels but I wish I could climb trees!

Oh and also, Ann was going to have a RANT about the 'Scottish Lock Down' which starts on Boxing Day because Blip is such a good place to rant and she likes to use it as a diary of her life but actually, after lying on the sofa all afternoon, to watch the whole series of 'The Ripper' on Netflix, she can't be bothered to rant. So she won't. Lol!

Abercorn Park
Buckstone Park
Campbell Park
Dovecot Park
Easter Drylaw Park
Fairmilehead Park
Gyle Park
Hailes Quarry Park
Inverleith Park
Joppa Quarry Park
King George V Park
Lochend Park
Morningside Park
Nicholson Square Park
Orchard Park

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