Queens Park

OK, so we're up to the letter 'Q' in our 'A to Z of Edinburgh Parks' and we're cheating a bit with this Blip but we don't know of any parks in Edinburgh that start with the letter Q. Technically this is Holyrood Park. However, the building in the background is Holyrood Palace, which is where the Queen stays when she's in Edinburgh, so a lot of people refer to Holyrood Park as Queens Park because as you can see, we're practically in her back garden.

….................And in other news.................... isn't everywhere really busy today? The buses were busy, the buses are never busy the shops all have really long queues outside again, and everyone seems to be rushing around in frantic mode. I guess everyone is going to be mixing together for the next four days, spreading their germs all over the place?!!

By the time I got my afternoon walk it was pouring with rain so we didn't go very far. However, I got tied up outside our little Sainsbury's because Ann needed a loaf of bread. No way was she going to go into M&S or Waitrose cos she'd probably still be waiting in the queue now. I had to wait for ages. Fortunately there's a homeless lady who sits there so she kept an eye on me. Normally Ann just ignores the homeless people because most of them aren't actually homeless. They arrive first thing in the morning on the no 11 bus from 'who knows where' and leave a few hours later on the no 11 bus. Today Ann would have given her a £1 for looking after me, but Ann is a bit like the Queen these days and never carries any cash. She says when we walk past her tomorrow we will make sure to take £1 with us.

Oh and just a teeny, weeny little RANT!......................... I had to stay home alone while Ann went and did a 'Meet & Greet'. Nobody is supposed to be coming in or out of Scotland and Nicola Sturgeon is doubling the amount of police patrolling the borders. Mmmmmmmm................... doesn't seem like she's doing anything about the flights arriving from all over the place............... The guy that Ann was meeting said he was 'exempt' because he worked in the construction industry. Normally that's probably true but everyone knows that most of the construction industry closes down over Christmas and New Year. ….........And if he were here for work, he shouldn't be bringing his girlfriend. Obviously thought a two week break in Edinburgh might be a nice little jolly?!! Just saying?!!

Abercorn Park
Buckstone Park
Campbell Park
Dovecot Park
Easter Drylaw Park
Fairmilehead Park
Gyle Park
Hailes Quarry Park
Inverleith Park
Joppa Quarry Park
King George V Park
Lochend Park
Morningside Park
Nicholson Square Park
Orchard Park
Pilrig Park

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