Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Back to the Beginning

Well today is blip 365, all consecutive days. When I started out on Blip 1 year ago I thought I would try to blip on consecutive days, but I wasn't sure whether I would have the dedication to stick with it, but I have, although there were a couple of near misses where I nearly lapsed and missed a day.

The past year has seen many momentous things which I have recorded through Blip, some good like my trips to Guyana, going underground in Gaping Gill, and attending the Rugby League World Cup Final, but also some sad events have also been recorded, such as the passing of my Granddad

Blip has made me look around me and consider my surroundings more, and I have become more aware of the natural world around me.

Blip has also provided me with a host of new online friends (that's you) who share their blips to inspire and also comment and encourage each other. You're great. On Sunday I finally get to go on my first Blip meet at the Photography Show, so I'll finally get to meet some of you in the flesh.

I would like to thank my regular visitors and also the occasional Blippers who stumble across my record of my life and surroundings, you are all valued and appreciated. Also thanks to John Gravett who introduced me to Blip via his journal. I'd also like to thank Blip Central for providing such a wonderful site and community.

When I embarked on my Blip journey I thought I would try to continue blipping landscapes as that was what I was interested in with the occasional motor sport blip thrown in, but I have become more experimental after being inspired by other peoples Blips (OK commuting too and from work in the dark during the winter has forced me to become more creative), so I have done water drips and also humorous Portraits and I feel that my photography skills have certainly improved over the year. My highest rated Blip was a Landscape blip though

So now I have completed 365 blips I feel like I have come full circle, back to the beginning! This little chap was the subject of my very first blip, so I thought it was only fitting to revisit him to celebrate the 365th consecutive Blip.

Will I continue Blipping on a regular basis? Yes I think I will, it has become a way of life, people at work are asking me every morning what did I Blip last night? My eyes are always open for a Blip opportunity, and I don't think I could leave the Blip community as I would miss the stunning landscapes, all of the other inspiring journals and entries that I follow and look at.

I'm now also looking forward to being able to look back a year ago to see where I was and what I was Blipping, and to continue developing and trying new things and sharing them with the world of Blip.

I think I will leave it here now as this post is fast turning into an Oscar style acceptance speech, so all that remains to say is Thanks for dropping and looking, and I hope that you find something that appeals.


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