Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

A 5th Anniversary

So, I'm sitting having breakfast this morning, watching the news and an article comes on about a leap second.  Apparently, the 'World's Timekeepers' have decreed that we can all have an extra second in 2016.  Well, you don't get these opportunities for extra time very often so I've decided to make best use of it and take the opportunity for my own personal review of the year.

I'm not sure that some aspects of the year are one's that I want to repeat in a hurry, but overall it has been quite momentus in many ways.  So here goes, with a pictorial history of the year, using my journal as a reminder of key moments.

January started with way too many visits to hospitals, including two appointments in one day.  Further visits took place shortly after and more will be happening this year, despite my first foray under the surgeon's knife in November.  At work we lost a dear colleague in Rob, a workmate of mine for 28 years, who lost his battle with cancer.  His funeral took place in early February.  While that was a sad time, we here at Blipfoto had plenty to celebrate later in the month, with the announcement  of the purchase of the site, on behalf of the community.

In March we arranged a series of BigBlipMeets including one at the Photography Show.  On the home front spring brought about the start of home improvements, including new windows and a new kitchen (the less said about the workmen, the better!).   We had a few days in the Lakes, followed in July by a visit to Pembrokeshire and an unforgettable day on Skomer Island.

September brought a first, with my exhibition of images from Weston Park, as part of the Capability Brown 300 celebrations.  Also in September I had the pleasure of meeting up with Rainie in the Lake District at John Gravett's, as she was over on holiday for a few weeks.  In October I ran my first landscape workshop at Weston Park.  it was successful and they want me to run more in 2017.

Following the operation in November we had the start of a difficult few weeks on being notified that Mum's nursing home was closing at very short notice.  Despite the short time period we successfully relocated her  10 days later.  Not that she stayed there long, as three days later she was rushed to hospital.  Even after coming out of hospital she was still very ill and at one stage I was advised by her G.P. that I might want 'to see her sooner, rather than later'!  That she is still here is testament to the care and nursing of the staff at her new home.  They have been wonderful. 

We've tried to carry on with our lives, even with all of the drama.  Work have been very supportive and I imagine at one stage my colleagues must have wondered who this stranger was popping in on the odd occasion.  We still tried to enjoy things when we could, including an evening reception at Weston Park, venue of my exhibition earlier in the year.

I've realised how my journal has truly become a diary of what is happening in my life.  It has evolved from the early days where I reverted to my landscape photography for inspiration.  I know many of you enjoy this work so here are a few of my favourites images from the year.

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

In actual terms, this image completes my 5th year posting images everyday on Blipfoto.  I hope everyone reading this receives everything they hope for in 2017.  Even if things do not turn out as well as you might wish, I'm confident that the Blipfoto community will be a true source of support, if it is needed.

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